The former EEO officer, Ms. Theresa Cox?
JK: The deception begins in the first sentence. Garcia, in his own words said, "her contract expires August 31, 2001". So isn't she still under contract?
From: Carlos A Garcia
Date: Aug 16, 2006 6:07 AM
Subject: Re: Fwd: [Del Mar Electronic Anonymous Input Forum] Nah! There aint nothin inappropriate goin on at Del Mar College. Right Adriana?
To: Jaime Kenedeno
Hello Everyone,
As you may be aware, I opted not to renew the yearly contract for the former EEO officer, Ms. Theresa Cox.
JK: When did DMC President Dr. Carlos Garcia choose this option?
Sat, 15 Apr 2006
Theresa Cox — Del Mar College dean of Equal Opportunity and
Affirmative Action, Equity, Access and Compliance was placed on paid
administrative leave from the college after she and several students
made allegations that President Carlos Garcia of Del Mar made
sexually advances toward them. Before she was let go on this past
Tuesday (April 11,2006), Gabe Rivas- President of the Del Mar College Board of
Regents, got together with DMC President Carlos Garcia, Gambi Gamboa-
LULAC Council 1 member, and Henry Gorhorm- LULAC Council 1 member,
to make a deal.
Cox’s administrative leave.
“Ms. Cox is on administrative
leave from the college, but we can’t
reveal the details about her leave,”
Westergren said.
DMC President Dr. Carlos Garcia
also confirmed Cox’s status.
“We do not want to hear rumors
that (Cox) was fired,” Garcia said.
“Mrs. Cox is on administrative
leave and her contract expires on
Aug. 31, 2006,” Garcia said. “DMC
has a restructuring of the administration,
and it is normal to have several
employees leave for several reasons,
such as retirement, offers for a new
employment or just moving out from
the city.
JK: By the time this article is published in the Foghorn, Gabriel Rivas and the Board of Regents are informed of the situation and the allegations against President Carlos Garcia.
JK: It is certainly valid to question the Board as to why Dr. Garcia has not been placed on Administrative leave as SOP mandates?
JK: Gabriel Rivas (en camera) represents and definitively concludes, when an employee is accused of Sexual Harassment; that employee is placed on Administrative leave.
JK: The Administrative Leave Requirement is an integral step in the Due Process and unequivocally applies to each employee the same. The act of discontinuing or modifying the JOB opportunities of one’s accuser, is a blatant act of retaliation. In the protection of DMC (all) preventing retaliation is an obvious reason the Due Process requires the placement of the accused employee on administrative leave.
JK: Dr. Carlos Garcia’s option to not renew the contract of Theresa Cox is indicative of a retaliatory or cover-up agenda. By no means can the decision be one of objectivity.
JK: Why do the DMC Board and In house Counsel “opt” to continue to thwart Due Process and violate DMC SOP?
JK: While SOP is practiced with a hard-handed adherence on the lower rungs of employees; it is conveniently ignored or exempted for a select group of insiders at the “untouchable echelons” of the DMC Yanqui Aristocracy.
The DMC Community Outreach Campaign
The Expose begins
Mr. Benitez answered a knock at the door to find a gunman, Francisco Perez, waiting for him.
The Attempted Capital Murder of Mr. Benitez
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Aug 15, 2006 Channel 6 Releases News Story Citing Released Travis County Court Documents
Aug 16, 2006 05:28 PM Channel 6 Releases
Del Mar president responds to lawsuit concerns
The basis for this action includes, but is not limited to, well documented incompetence, insubordination, and unprofessional conduct.
JK: For any whom are “In The Know” regarding Theresa Cox and Del Mar College; the above statement fully discredits Dr. Carlos Garcia and any who choose to support his agenda. He continues to discredit himself citing the “basis” for his “opting out” of the contract with Ms. Cox.
The basis for this action includes, but is not limited to, well documented incompetence, insubordination, and unprofessional conduct.
JK: We all know, this is a statement of incompetence not of Ms Cox but of the DMC President. The question in my mind is; how did he ever make it through high school with such voids of common sense? Theresa Cox is a very competent employee. Unprofessional would have been for her to continue to follow the directives of self-dealing and self-interest of her superiors. How did Ms. Cox ever ascend to the JOB if she had not the skills and attributes required. She got tired of covering up the BS created by the testosterone or mid life crisis’ of the clique. That is when she suddenly became insubordinate.
A local television station aired a report that cast a negative light on my office regarding a lawsuit against the College. The allegations mentioned never occurred and I look forward to being fully vindicated. This is an attempt by an individual to discredit our institution while fleecing the taxpayers of Corpus Christi.
JK: Dr. Garcia you are the one who bring the negative light upon your office. Vindication is something you can look forward to; but the evidence will only be more forthcoming should you choose to fight in bad faith.
JK: Fleecing?
JK: Carlos Garcia and Gabriel Rivas are the ones who are fleecing the taxpayers. Dr Garcia’s personal counsel (at this time) is funded by DMC. Dr. Garcia needs to retain his own attorney. Both Dr Garcia And Regent Gabriel Rivas continue to poison and infect the DMC institution. Lies, Usurping the Due Process and Abuse of Power are all viable charges that have destroyed the lives of human beings with whom these crooks were entrusted. It is time for change.