2005- 2006
1. Executive Summary and Interim Reports
2. Recommendations for Savings and Increased Revenue
3. Recommendations for Changes in Services, Processes and Staffing
4. Proposed New Organizational Chart for Maximum Efficiency
5. Summary of Study by Services Team
6. Summary of Study by Processes Team
7. Summary of Study by Staffing Team
8. Efficiency Study of Instructional Office Costs
9. Efficiency Study of Instruction Dept. Costs/Retention Rates
10. Efficiency Study of Per Capita Course Cost/Retention Rates
11. Analysis of Summary Information/Dept. Chairs
12. Analysis of Summary Information/Dept. Phd.'s
1. Executive Summary and Interim Reports
April 11, 2006
The enclosed efficiency study was conducted from August, 2005 through March, 2006. Extensive information was gathered from three teams of nine persons who studied the areas of services, processes and staffing. In addition, lengthy interviews were conducted with the Board and Administration, as well countless employees in all employee groups, rendering over one hundred pages of notes. Further information was gathered from an analysis of over twenty College documents, particularly numerical data obtained from the IT Department.
Compilation of all information was lengthy and time-consuming in an effort to arrive at an accurate evaluation of efficiency in all College operations. Many persons expressed a sincere wish to see a culture shift take place at Del Mar College in conjunction with the exciting growth of the physical plant. A very serious attempt has been made to address the concerns expressed by all parties. Only by doing so, can the Del Mar College community understand where it is at present, so that it can determine where it wants to go in the future.
In reading the enclosed material, the nature of an efficiency study must be considered. It is executed in an effort to find those things that need improvement only, and does not take into consideration all of the good and wonderful things about the College that we already know. That being said, it is hoped that the College will find the enclosed suggestions and information of some use as it bolts into this new century of exciting growth and opportunity.
Working with the Del Mar College community has been an honor and a privilege.
Guadalupe L. Rangel~~
3 Dewit Drive. Corpus Christi, Texas 78404 . Phone 361.693.xxxx . Fax 361.693.xxxx .
2. Recommendations for Savings and Increased Revenue
1. Efficiency in Use of Employee Timea. Install time clocks in all departments, promoting
b. Limit committee membership for faculty members.
c. Provide Chairs with assistants, freeing them to teach.
d. Provide a health program with rewards, for employees. e. Eliminate duplication of efforts by different groups, depts.
f. Tighten all HR policies, install new ones. .
g. Install a tenure review program for faculty.
h. For Maintenance Dept., tighten all policies of operations,
reassign key employees for closer ties to rest of employee pool. Consider outsourcing inefficient grounds crews. Tighten procedures to eliminate wasted time buying supplies, etc. Eliminate division between E & W campus.
i. Limit the use of interim positions to fill vacancies, as well
as the length of duration of an interim assignment.
j. Tighten all policies for searches to eliminate waste of
employee time in search efforts.
k. Eliminate duplication of efforts in registration of students
with two different systems, by linking the two.
2. Efficiency in Use of Student Timea. Improve registration process with visible monitors
indicating when a course has closed.
b. Install a telephonic advising system allowing students to
receive course information at the push of a button from
the course instructor.
c. Give financial aid for books early enough for pre-study.
d. Install a new financial aid automated program for
application and approval process, as well as
reimbursement process.
e. Tie student work study program to a meaningful
internship for the student.
Del Mar College Efficiency
Study Rangel Consulting
f. Eliminate duplication of effort on part of student in
different processes. g. Streamline testing of all kinds to promote success. h. Provide study pod model for students of core curriculum,
for more insular learning and easy access to professors
and counselors.
3. Efficiency in Use of Spacea. Continue 4 day work week, with different departments
utilizing buildings on different days of a 6-day week.
b. Maximize use of space at Harvin Center by allowing Public Information Department more space next door, utilizing the outdoor upstairs cafe area, and turning the large registration arena into cubicles for advising.
c. If not going to a 6-day week for the entire college,
minimize use of buildings for weekend programs to one.
d. Utilize new Richardson Auditorium for profitable
community affairs.
e. Utilize new West Campus for regional conferences and
community events as well.
f. Monitor building use more closely for elimination of empty
buildings during study hours.
g. Work to expand central library to make more
4. Efficiency in Use of Financial Resourcesa. Stagger employee travel by department, every other year.
b. Cut office budgets where there is overspending, per
c. Monitor purchases of computers, telephones, walkie
talkies, and printers. .
d. Eliminate half of large printers on campus and move to a
larger centralized printing operation that runs during the
night, since lease/repair payments are made 24/7.
e. Link all departmental creation, expansion to number of
students served.
Del Mar College Efficiency Study
Rangel Consulting
f. Renegotiate all vendor, supplier, machinery and insurance contracts on a regular basis for either better rates to the College or scholarship donations.
5. Efficiency in Use of Utilitiesa. Install meters in each building for better monitoring of use
of utilities.
b. Revisit all utility contracts for possible discounts in rates.
c. Monitor possible refunds, such as that for wastewater,
which would be based on evaporation rates during the
irrigation of the properties. .
d. Eliminate the 24/7 supervision of the Main Plant, as much
of it is now automated.
e. Revisit all IT contracts with vendors and consultants for
possible rate cuts in long-term contracts.
f. Install tighter policies for preventive maintenance of all
chillers and other major equipment, as well as those for all
fiber-optic equipment.
g. Eliminate any unnecessary telephone land lines that have
been replaced by cellular phones.
h. Promote the use of the new College intranet system for
efficient communication between employees and students.
i. Expand the IT Department into a Virtual College, allowing
for the inevitable explosion in online coursework to have
the support it merits.
1. Policy requiring review of organizational chart with all major expansion of the physical plant.2. Policy installing a tenure review program for faculty.
3. Policy limiting overtime, course overload, outside employment.
4. Policy limiting assignment and duration of interim posltions.
5. Policy limiting assignment of lateral moves by employees.
6. Policy of full disclosure, removing all employment decisions fromoffice politics.7. Policy to tie instructional expenditures to number of students
8. Policy to outsource application, refund and collection processes of financial aid department, as well as others, in order to minimize losses.
9. Policy to make RETENTION the core of all employee efforts.
10. Policy to extend the number of days College is open, if student
body benefits.
11. Policy to establish a virtual campus, with new set of policies,
12. Policy to require ethics training for all employees.
13. Policy to require managerial training for all supervisors.
14. Policy to require budgeting training for all Chairs.
15. Policy to require training for all adjuncts in order to minimize a divided employee pool.16. Policy to establish Centers and Institutes from programs that have matured to be possibly funded by outside sources.
17. Policy to tie as many programs as possible to Texas A & M C.C., local hospitals for financial benefit of both institutions.
18. Policy to promote more community ties for employees and students.19. Policy to present instruction for core areas of learning through the new methodology of study pods, for promotion of retention.
20. Policy requiring regular reports to the Board on efficiency of individual departments and programs.
Letter #1
TO: Dr. Carlos Garcia
FROM: Guadalupe L. Rangel
DATE: October 24, 2005
RE: DMC Efficiency Study Interim ReportThe Del Mar College Achieve the Dream study project is progressing well. The final goal and focus of the project remains the maximizing of efficiency in all College operations for ultimate cost savings. The following four original stages to the study have been incorporated into all interviews and discussions:
I. Self-study
II. Assessment of departmental adherence to College mission
and core values .
III. Assessment of departmental costs and savings
IV. Focus on necessary growth adjustments
Many interviews and discussions have been completed in an effort to provide the President and Board of Regents with the best final recommendations to modify policies, processes, services, and organizational patterns.
Interviews and discussions have been completed with:
1. Each member of the Board of Regents
2. Each Vice President
3. Some Deans
4. Some Directors
5. Purchasing Department
6. Registrar
7. Business Office
8. Cash Management Office
9. Office of Affirmative Action
10. In House Legal Office
11. Testing Department
12. Childhood Learning Center
13. Printing Office
14. Students and parents during registration
In addition, two Self-Study Teams appointed by you, President Garcia, have been meeting regularly to discuss specific issues affecting the College. The nine-member Services Team met twice for a total of 7 hours to give written and oral answers to many questions on the following topics:
1. Purchasing
2. Finance and Cash Management
3. Business Office Services
4. Registration
5. Testing
6. Center for Early Learning
7. Counseling
8. Library
9. Maintenance Services
10. IT Department Services
11. Work Study Program
12. Copiers and Duplicating Services
13. HR Department Services
14. Legal Department Services
15. Grant Writing Services
16. Richardson Auditorium
17. Bookstore
18. Food Services
19. Mail Distribution
20. Vending Machines
21. Athletic Services
This week, the nine-member Processes Team will have met three times for a total of 10 hours to give written and oral answers to many questions on the following additional issues of important to the College:
1. Search Process
2. Hiring Process
3. Terminations
4. Employee Transfers
5. Temporary Substitutions
6. Scheduling of Classes
7. Recruitment of Students
8. Testing
9. Registration
10. Financial Aid
11. Retention of Students
12. Reimbursements
13. Payroll Processes
14. Purchasing
15. Drop/Add Process
16. Benefits
17. Vacation Time/FMLA
18. Advising Students
19. Committee Assignments
20. Evaluation Process
21. Employee Grievance Process 22. Student Grievance Process 23. Whisteblower Process 24. Community Outreach
25. Campus Communications
In November, the third team of nine employees, the Staffing Team, will begin an in-depth study of specific issues involving employment organizational patterns. Also, individual interviews with Deans, Department Chairs and Directors will continue.
Respectfully submitted,
Guadalupe L. Rangel
Letter #2
TO: Dr. Carlos Garcia
FROM: Guadalupe L. Rangel
DATE: November 25, 2005
RE: DMC Efficiency Study Interim Report II
Interviews and discussions with various departments of the College continue. As stated before, this Del Mar College Achieve the Dream study project remains focused on the achievement of efficiencies in the use of time, space, human resources, and financial resources by all segments of College operations. Much consideration continues to be given to the basic question of whether or not every department is living up to the core mission of the College, which is that of serving the needs of students. Therefore, every individual or group discussion has continued to revolve around the following points:
I. Self-study
II. Assessment of departmental adherence to College mission and core values
III. Assessment of departmental costs and savings
IV. Focus on necessary growth adjustments
Recommendations to modify policies, processes, services, and organizational patterns have been gathered from both individuals and study groups. Final recommendations to the Board shall be made by Rangel Consulting in February, '06.
Since the last interim report, interviews and discussions have been
completed with:
Office of College Relations
West Campus, Office of Dean
Art Department
Music Department
Information Technology Department
Library-Luminis presentation
Cashier's Office
In addition, the following have been accomplished:
Processes Study Team completed ten hours of meetings.
Staffing Study Team will have completed ten hours of meetings as well. This team continues to look at numbers of support personnel in all departments. It is also studying possible changes in the organizational chart, particularly those instances of incorrect job titles or incorrect lines of authority.
Information gathering will continue in December. Following that process, the compilation of all information into a comprehensive report for the Board will commence. Until all information is gathered, no recommendations can be made.
Dr. Garcia, please feel free to call, should you have any questions.
Respectfully submitted,
Guadalupe Rangel
Recommendations for Cutting Costs at Del Mar College |
COST CENTERS EXPENDITURES (from p.4, '05 DMC Budget Manual) |
| '05 | '06 | Difference |
Total faculty salaries | $15,195,933(ft) | $15,424,813 | +$228,880 |
| $102,404(ft/sum) | $149,488 | +$47,084 |
| $5,056,791(pt) | $5,137,090 | +$80,299 |
| $3,024,513(pt/sum)$3,285,709 | +$261,196 |
| $71,407(subs) | $65,407 | -$6,000 |
| $567,275(assts.) | $608,753 | +$41,478 |
| $24,018,323 | $24,671,260 | +652,937 |
Salaries for all | $39,447,727 | $41,106,639 | +$1,658,912 |
Benefits for all | $4,426,685 | $4,914,285 | +$487,600 |
| . |
Professional Dev. | $811,322 | $1,052,293 | +$240,971 |
Supplies | $1,687,201 | $1,905,832 | +$218,631 |
Equipment | $1,689,242 | $2,214,982 | +$525,740 |
Prof. Services | $1,346,393 | $1,263,893 | -$82,500 |
Maint. Agreements | $898,068 | $921,882 | +$23,814 |
Insurances | $1,024,191 | $1,140,857 | +$116,666 |
Postage, phone, util. . | $2,041,874 | $2,219,219 | +$177,345 |
Printing, advertising | $784,875 | $730,948 | -$53,927 |
Recruitment | $73,110 | $71,710 | -$1,400 |
Library | $384,138 | $385,927 | +$1,789 |
Misc / General | $1,259,818 | $1,694,732 | +$434,914 |